connectctl connectors manage

Actively manage connectors in a cluster


This command will actively manage connectors in a cluster by creating, updating, removing and restarting connectors. The command can be run once or it can run continously where it will sync the desired state and actually state on a periodic basis.

connectctl connectors manage [flags]


  -h, --help   help     for add
  -c, --clusterURL      the url of the kafka connect cluster to avtively manage
  -f, --files           the json file(s) containing the connector definition. Multiple files can be specified
                        either by comma separating file1.json,file2.json or by repeating the flag.
  -d, --directory       a director that contains json files with the connector definitions to add
  -s, --sync-period     how often to check the current state of the connectors in the lcuster specified
                        by -c and the desired stats of the connectors as specified by -f or -d.
                        The default is 5 minutes.
      --allow-purge     if specified then any connectors that are found in the cluster that aren't
                        in the desired state (as spcified by -f or -d) will be deleted from the cluster.
                        The default is false.
      --auto-restart    if specified then connector tasks will be restarted if they are in a FAILED state
                        The default is false.
      --once            if specified the command will run once and then exit. The default is false.

NOTE: the -d and -f options are mutually exclusive. If you don’t specify –once then the command will run continuosly and will try and synchronise the state of the cluster according the duration specific by the -s option.

Options inherited from parent commands

  -l, --loglevel loglevel       Specify the loglevel for the program (default info)
      --logfile                 Specify a file to output logs to